Yep, that's me - behind American Craft TV personality Terri O during a shoot for an hour long Making Memories Slice infomercial. Too Fun!
I received a phone call yesterday morning from Kelly Ehrlich - as lovely gal whom I met at outside the show Tuesday Morning. We had a nice chat in which she asked if I would be intersted in being on camera for an informercial spot... ummm... Heeeellllooooo? Let me think about this.... SURE! She took my card and cell number and said she'd call me later that day when she knew more about their schedule. I didn't hear from her Tuesday and thought oh well, I guess she didn't need me -- then, at 8:30 the next morning the phone rang. "We're starting to film in the hour. you still interested?" Absolutely! I was excited!
A group of 5 of us were asked to be her "audience" and watch her do a demo. We were just asked to be "reactive" hehehehe... wrong thing to tell me!! :) I really had to tone it down .. my expressiveness that is ;) Talk about fun. Helen (one of the girls I posted about in an earlier blog) was one of the 5 too. What luck! It was great talking to her again -- between takes that is :)
Kelly said she wanted to stay in touch and that she may have something in mind. I hope so. I'm there if she needs me! ...with bells on! Thanks for the opportunity, Kelly!! I really appreciate it!
Lots and lots more to tell you..... I will blog again soon.
That's a wrap!! :)