had a fun little wax class in the studio yesterday.
Judy came in and said I wanna do something waxy (like you do) with this photo - HELP! So we played and I know she loved her piece!! ENJOY JUDY!! Thanks for popping by the studio and giving me a chance to create with wax too.
This is what I created. It's a Christmas Gift for my mother so SHHHHHHHHH!!! Don't tell her.
The photo on the canvas is my mom around 5 years old. The Sewing notions are very special to her. They are from my late Nana's own "collection". My Nana spent a lot of time creating outfits for my mother and I know she has many special memories of my Nana creating things for her with these very items. My guess is that she'll like it! ;)

Jen will be in the studio today from 11 -4 as I am off to Barrie to see the folks. Drop on by and say hi! AND Don't forget to enter my little Give A Way ... last night's post has details of a little Give A Way I'm doing to celebrate 100 Followers on this blog. THANKS FOR FOLLOWING EVERYONE!!! I'll draw the winner sometime next week. And gosh!! Thank you for all the wonderful things you said about me and the studio. I am truly honoured!! Never in a million years would I have thought you'd write anywhere close to what you all have. I'm truly overwhelmed! Hugs to all! THANK YOU!!!!