The last few days have been a whirlwind for me. So sorry I didn't get the chance to blog but my days started early and ended late and I just didn't have the energy to stay up to post.
THE GOOD NEWS -- I was busy because I have LOTS happening and THAT's exciting.
I went a little nuts at the show and am getting in lots of fun, creative products for the studio. Classes are being designed in my brain .... (I really should sketch them out before I forget *wink*) I think you're going to LOVE it!
I am hosting a CHA re-cap Craft N Crop in the studio Saturday August 21 where I'll officially reveal what I purchased and then I'll post it here for you. PROMISE!! But you can rest assured I purchased some great Stamps, Mixed Media Friendly Products and well.... there are a few surprises. You know I can't resist teases!! *smile*
I will share some absolute highlights for me.
Best Booth at the show HANDS DOWN goes to my fav paper company - Graphic 45!! Their new line Steampunk Debutant WILL be in the studio as fast as I can get it in. It's STUNNING! As you know, I already have the Halloween in Wonderland paper (I did re-order Collection Packs..... I know some of you were wondering) take a look at what they created with it!!

And these too!!

One the final day of the show (yesterday) I was lucky to take a small class with Donna Downey in the Prima Booth. Here's Donna with the little Camera Bags we decorated with her product
Sooooo cute -- and yes, I'll spill -- Donna's Line WILL be at the studio and soon I am told. I'll share more with you about that in future blog posts. I know you'll be hearing a lot about Donna in the coming weeks....... and why not? She's an absolute doll and....
.... a scream too! So much fun to be around. Her energy is contagious.
Speaking of fun, high energy people..... I had the opportunity to hang with my friend Arantza aka Kiki from Kiki Art. She was demoing her new product lines at the Zutter Booth (girls who assist me at Scrapfest .... The Zutter people thought the "Violator" was a scream!! ... sorry, for the inside joke. Back to the post *smile*) Kiki has a very fun product line that you'll be seeing at my upcoming events. So happy to support her.
I also ran into my friend Carmi Cimicata and Claudine Hellmuth on the show floor and had so much fun catching up and chatting about plans and what we're doing. I am the VERY HAPPY recipient of Carmi's new self-published and GORGEOUS book "Art Girl's Guide to Paris". Carmi very graciously presented me with a copy and I am in love! It's FABULOUS CARMI!! If you love Paris or inspired by it -- you MUST check it out. It's available to preview and purchase on Blurb. Thanks again Carmi!
Claudine launched a new stamp line this CHA. Yes.... I will spill on this too. I am getting all 6 of her new stamps sets in both the Polymer and Foam. Love how they work together. Here's what Ranger had to say about them.... but I can assure you that you'll be hearing about them again from me when they are shipped sometime in September cause I can't wait to play! Congrats on your new release Claudine!
CHA is very inspiring.... lots to see and buy, people to meet and catch up with, new products to explore and try. Gotta love it! There's too much to mention in one post ..... but I promise to give more especially after my event on the 21st. If' you'd like to join us in the studio for that event ... please email me asap as space is limited and filling up as we speak.
Karen xoxo .... home and happy in the studio getting ready to get my hands dirty and create!!!