Last night the girls and I had a great time making this silly Halloween Burlap Canvas that I will be hanging on my door this evening in time for the Trick or Treaters!
We created this Halloween bomb during my ustream broadcast so you can see how it all went together on the recorded video found below --- just scroll down a tad ...if you dare! *wink*
All the foam bits were cut using my Brother ScanNCut machine. The ScanNCut has a really fun selection of Halloweeen cut files pre-programmed and ready to go. Just choose the image, size accordingly and cut away! Brilliant! I am in the process of filming how I cut the pumpkins in this piece -- stayed tuned for that video in an update shortly or subscribe to our youtube channel to get notified when it posts.
In the broadcast I mentioned that I'd provide the link to the youtube video I used to learn how to tie the hangman's noose. Here's that link:How to tie a Hangman's Noose . What a great source of giggles. I'm still a little surprised I was able to remember how to do it and show you in the broadcast as well!
Have fun creating your own treasures! Happy Halloween!

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