I had one of the stylists from next door come in to decorate a hand held mirror this week! He was inspired by the work the Dollar Store Club ladies did a couple of months ago. He isn't done-- I'll post his creation when he is!. WTG, Kevin!!
Staying with creativity as the focus...
I promised to upload the pics of the canvas created in the canvas workshop Saturday. I have three images here. The first is Mindy's: a gift for father's day. The second is Kelly's: totally inspired by greens and purples. This is for her new abode. The last is mine. I just had to create something with "freaky birds" on it just for Mindy's viewing pleasure :) Didn't they turn out GREAT!?! Fabulous girls! I know that Roz loves her creation too.. apparently she has already hung it in a place of honour in her new apartment. hehe -- gotta love that!

If you would like to create something on canvas, I will be in the studio July 6 - 10 and August 17-22 - but can come in other times if you have a minimum of four people participating... so, let me now if you are interested in creating something while I am in town or get a few friends together and let me know when you're available. I'd love to create with you all.
Keep checking the online calendar (link on right side bar) for posted days when someone will be in the studio -- or, if you are out driving by... a great rule of thumb is: if the blinds are open, so are we! :)

I just said good night to my last Friday Night Cropper. I'm heading out now myself. :) Thanks for another great evening girls! I love hosting you here in the studio. It's a lot of fun, laughs and snorts! :) ....and some great scrapping too! Looking forward to seeing you all again soon!
Nite All.... the next time I blog it will be from the comfy confines of my summer trailer... my Holiday Inn on Wheels! Chat soon!