Yes, I am so excited to be finally able to share (and confirm) - Anna Dabrowska will be here at the studio on JULY 13 & 14, 2013 teaching 3 fabulous workshops... and here are the details!
All classes will include the supplies and mediums.... yay! just bring some photos, an eager mind, a paintbrush and heat gun..... *smile*
Saturday Workshops
9am - 1pm
IMAGINE Canvas Workshop
Mixedmedia Canvas Class (with fabric, gel mediums, gesso, glitter sprays ...and more!)
Do you want to create really artsy, dimensional and grungy collage, but you don’t have “suitable supplies?” That is not a problem! The most important thing in creative process is using imagination. We are surrounded by inspiring objects, which we can use for creating art of different kinds. Try to look around – and you’ll find real treasures in your own house! Remember there are no boundaries: you may give as much or as little elements as you want, you may use medias, paint and inks…and whatever comes to your mind too! Don’t be afraid to mix and blend and let your imagination free – it is pure fun!
During this workshop I will guide you to create your own mixed-media canvas, including my favorite set of embellishments and textures, colored with my favorite paints and mixed-media products. I’ll demonstrate possibilities of mixing different supplies such as gesso, gel medium, spray paint, scrapbooking embellishments and found objects to get layers, details and unique, grungy look on your project.
This workshop is suitable for beginners and advanced students (really!) – let’s get our fingers dirty together!
2:30pm - 6pm Industrial Baroque "Tea for 2" Workshop

Industrial Baroque - range of classes
Paper Layout Classes based on mixedmedia and scrapbookintg techniques. Their common part is multi-layering, richness of techniques. using a wide range of mediums and loads of elements to create one-of-a kind, personalized project. Industrial Baroque is time for making your fingers dirty, creativity flowing and pushing the boundaries of your imagination.
Grunge is a style, which is, in my opinion, the essence of creative fun and freedom: you can put almost everything on your project and be happy with the effect you got. You may give as much or as little elements as you want, you may use medias and inks… Grunge is usually considered as “boyish” or “men” style, but I'd like to convince you that it also as the more feminine, crazy, eclectic side – let's call it “industrial baroque”.
During classes I will try to convince you that creating a grungy, eclectic layout is not hard at all - and the only boundaries you have are those made by your imagination! I will make you look again at your embellishments and how you possibilities of using everyday objects as a part of your composition, giving them the uniqueness, personal touch and grungy style. I will show you finished projects and share my experiences from the creative process. On each class I will create with the students a full size layout including products from well known manufacturers and demonstrate possibilities of mixing different medias, scrapbooking supplies and found objects to get baroque look of your project.
"Industrial Baroque" is a perfect combination of fun, experiment and playing with composition, color and texture.
Paper based mixed media class with layering, stamping, sprays, tea stain and a touch of metallic paint together with a wide selection of inspiring embellishments which will provide lighter, but the most "vintage" look in the range.
Sunday Workshop
9am - 6pm
(please note, lunch will be served) Grungy Spell Book Workshop
Mixed media class (with creating heavy texture, spraying, shading, using gels, metallic paints...and more!)
Journals are not only about pages – altering the cover of the book is an important part of the creative process, making the frame, closing (or opening?) the composition. Cover should reflect the owners emotions and personality as well as the book's content – which is a great reason to try some inspiring techniques and create something unique, magical and 100% fun.
During this class I'll tell you about my ideas for journaling, and share my ideas how to alter a raw journal to get appealing and durable mixed media cover based on a bunch of my favorite techniques such as creating texture with gels and stencils, grungy embellishments and found objects, painting and spraying. I'll show you different effect you can get using media such as pigments, acrylic paint and common soft pencils together with multipurpose glues or varnish.
After the class you will have your own art journal which will reflect your taste and a big dose of inspiration: I'll do my best to share my experience, give tips and I'll try to convince you to leave traditional, conventional thinking and go more bold and artsy. It is possible you will be surprised what you can do with medias and tools which you already have in your kit or at home!
THEN we will make pages!!!!!
During this full-length class I'll share with you some of my journal projects and a bunch of my favorite techniques based on using masks, stamps, embossing and layering.
Together we will create different texturized background gathering information about using such mediums as heavy gel, gesso, pigments, sprays and embossing powder. We will focus on techniques useful both for journalers and scrapbookers tips and non-conventional ideas such as using thread or tea builiding 3 double, technique-packed pages- all with a touch of grungy, artsy style.
This class is one big creative, messy fun! You may be surprised what you can do with the supplies you probably already know... or you never thought about before... Let yourself play and think outside the box – why not?