Hello all!! Thanks for joining me again for another great Friday Night at the Studio!!
Last night I worked in my journal trying a new background technique inspired by a link that one of you sent me by an artist named De Gallet AND I worked with the first "Whatevers" photo.
What's "Whatevers"? Here's the video introduction for you to enjoy (posted on
Nat's Blog)
Here is how it works if you want to play along:
- Nat, Cat and Vicki have made a one-year commitment to each other and picked twelve photos with Whatevers whom we will give a story.
- Every month – if possible always on the 15th – each of us will do a post with an individual story that goes along for us with the same photo.
- If you want you can play along and we will have the photo for you - just right click on it to safe it to download and show us your version of The Whatevers.
- There is no rules to the story itself- it can be funny, sad, uplifting, breathtaking- WHATEVER
- There is no rules on the length or the form of the story- it can be a short sentence, an essay, a poem or a soap opera – WHATEVER
- There is no rules on the artform you choose – it can be a scrapbook layout, an altered art project, an art journal page – WHATEVER
- Here is a rule though: if you take the photo you have to link back to usandshow us your story.
- These pictures are from our personal stash and are for personal use for you only! If you want to use them for a publication whether a book or magazine in print or digital form please ask for permission!
- If you want to participate we’ll have a linky list for each Whatever Post.
- You can also join our The Whatevers -Facebook Page
Here's this month's photo
And Here's what I created LIVE on USTREAM

And the story reads:
Are you kidding me? Another photo? I
hope Great Aunt Jean appreciates this.
It's 30 degrees inside the studio and,
if that weren't bad enough, I have to sit shoulder to shoulder with
my little brother William who, despite wearing his good clothes,
smells like he just came from mucking the barn. He probably did.
Just one more picture.
One more picture and then I can move.
I feel like my fingers have completely atrophied. What I wouldn't
give to be able to straighten them out and wiggle the digits and take
this hideous bow off my head. It's so heavy but I dare not touch it
because mom is standing off in the wings watching me like a hawk.
Images flash through my mind from earlier today as she brushed my
hair for this “special” occasion. I kept telling her my hair
wasn't long enough to be pulled back like this but no matter how much
I protested she insisted and dragged the brush hard through my scalp
so that all the little fly away hairs would be trapped in this
ridiculous looking satin bow. It's pulled back so tight I know
that's what giving me this headache. I quickly glance over at her
and she's sending me the most awful disapproving look. It's like she
knows what I'm thinking. Darn.
Just one more picture
Hurry up already. I hear a faint sigh
of exasperation from William. Good. 'At least I'm not alone in the
suffering' I muse as I sense him gripping the end of the bench we are
sitting on silently pleading the photographer to take that last
Then there it is. The blinding flash
of light from the camera bulb signifying the photo was taken.
“Okay, that should do it.” says the photographer. Finally! I
turn my head and look at my mom for final approval which thankfully
she gives. Sweet relief! I can move. Now, will she help me get
this thing off my head?
Here's the recording of last night's broadcast
Video streaming by Ustream