Today was the day that my sister had Gastric Bypass Surgery. I thought I would take the time to blog now as I am not sure if I will be able to be at my computer much for the rest of the week. Kellie got through the surgery fine and is in hospital recovering right now. We'll know more about how she is doing tomorrow when she fully wakes up.
I snapped a couple of photos of her for her album. I am (with her help of course) doing a scrapbook for her of her surgery, her successes and her thoughts (that is where she comes in :) ) I thought I'd share a couple with you.
Now, before you gore junkies out there think that I am going to show you pics of her after surgery.... Sorry to disappoint you. I think she'd kill me if I posted those. I did select three
"shots" to share. The first is a picture of me kissing her on the forehead before she was wheeled into the OR ***a collective ahhhhhhhhhh....***. The second is an after surgery picture of the boot that they put on her feet to prevent blood clotting. I had never seen that before and thought it interesting. The third is a pic of Emily holding her hand after surgery. The look on her face says it all -- she was (and still is) worried about her "Aunts".