Just wanted to let you all know, if you haven't seen it already, this Month's Free Online Class has been posted on the Go Scrapping Website.
Michelle McCorkell has created an adorable Card Box that you can create yourself using a pre-made box found at any craft or even dollar store.
I hope you all check it out and create one for yourself. If you do, be sure to share it will us here on the blog on in the Go Scrapping Gallery!! Always love to see your work.
Michelle is our guest design team member this month. She was the winner of our Go Scrapping Amazing Race in June. She was given a box full of goodies to create with and share with the Go Scrapping Community! Congrats again, Michelle!! And fabulous work!
You can view all our Design Team's creations in the Go Scrapping Layout Gallery. There is a special section in the site dedicated to their fine work!!